Green ball

How beautiful memory we had
How deep we feel to watch the details
How poor if you still misunderstood about
How nice to discuss it next

Long a go I used to go in green hill
but now it is pass away
My village became a town
my town became a big city

Why people never care the nature
Why country still runs to get treasure
Why they don't know emergency
Why I disable to do something

Long a go we share together
now we have so many wishes
Love became monopoly
friend became an enemy

Our earth is dying
Our forest is missing
Our heart is hiding
Our way is nothing

Come to green
The water is the best
The air is the best
We need it forever

Mari bergabung

Anda beruntung berkunjung ke blog ini....

Ada banyak pilihan yang dapat dinikmati khususnya mengenal Bahasa Inggris, poetry , drama or history, yakin......thanks

Mengapa anda paling malas membawa kamus ?


Apa yang membuatmu sulit belajar bahasa inggris ?

Abdul Kodir Pulungan, S.Pd

Foto saya
Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
selagi masih ada teman jangan ragu untuk meminta pendapat

my family

my family
my wife,son & daughter

do you want some help ?

do you want some help ?
tidak masalah akan dibantu, sure...

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